How Our Remote Support Keeps Businesses Running

At CCR Systems, we take pride in delivering innovative EPOS solutions to businesses throughout the UK. Despite being headquartered in the North West of England, we’ve developed long-standing relationships with businesses further afield, such as on the Falkland Islands, serving as their trusted partner for years.

The Challenge

Serving businesses in remote locations always presents its challenges. The Falkland Islands, situated in the South Atlantic Ocean, pose logistical hurdles that would deter many. However, we saw an opportunity to innovate and bridge the gap.

Our Solution

Thanks to modern technology, we’ve built a strong solution that goes beyond geographical limits. Our remote support setup helps us give quick help to our valued customers in the Falkland Islands, making sure they’re never stuck when technical problems come up.

Benefits to Customers

Our remote support services offer tangible benefits to businesses in the Falkland Islands. With increased uptime and faster issue resolution, our customers can focus on what they do best—running their businesses—without worrying about EPOS system downtime.

Breaking Down Barriers

At CCR Systems, distance is no barrier to exceptional customer service. Our dedication to providing first class support knows no bounds, whether you’re down the street or across the globe. If you’re a business in the Falkland Islands—or any other island or enclave—looking for reliable EPOS solutions, look no further than CCR Systems. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

If you’d like to know more about our EPOS Support, please visit our Customer Support page.

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